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Gary Vaynerchuk and the Era of Almost Free Digital Distribution

A few days ago, a video from the always-entertaining Gary Vaynerchuk caught my eye. The video is of a talk Vaynerchuk gave back in October at The Booksmith, a San Francisco bookshop. The entire hour-long talk is worth watching, but the first twenty minutes are enough to get the point across. Vaynerchuk rose to fame [...]

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Music sales down 14%, digital track sales up 27%

eMarketer just published some data on US music industry sales from a Nielsen press release. The catalyst was Apple’s overdue announcement that it is shifting to a DRM-free model. Overall album sales are declining by 14%. Some of this is the economy, but most of it is a continuation of a trend that has been [...]

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Access to music is a commodity. Now what?

Where were you when you first discovered that you could hear (almost) any song on demand for free on YouTube? (And if you haven’t discovered this, where have you been?) From Jackie Wilson to Lady Ga Ga, it’s all pretty much there on YouTube for the taking. Services like MixTube, iPooq, and Veewow allow you [...]

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