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Online advertising moves into the end game

Recently, I’ve found myself in a series of meetings in both the Silicon Valley and in Israel with technologists, media people, and venture capitalists – all of whom seem to be equally despondent about the state of the online advertising start-up. The online advertising industry is in the final stages of consolidation, they argue, technology [...]

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Gary Vaynerchuk and the Era of Almost Free Digital Distribution

A few days ago, a video from the always-entertaining Gary Vaynerchuk caught my eye. The video is of a talk Vaynerchuk gave back in October at The Booksmith, a San Francisco bookshop. The entire hour-long talk is worth watching, but the first twenty minutes are enough to get the point across. Vaynerchuk rose to fame [...]

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Making Cents of Fashion

The public launch of Sense of Fashion, an online community centered on fashion expression and commerce, has been ably covered by my good friend Kfir Pravda and by TechCrunch. The company is still in early days, but I believe it has the potential to turn into something big. I’ve been following the company for a [...]

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Beware of the collapsing meta-problem: Ray Ozzie and Mad Max

Yesterday, I attended the Microsoft ThinkNext event in Tel Aviv, key-noted by Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s Chief Technology Architect. Today, I am at a very well-organized micro-conference on mobile advertising, hosted by the Israel Mobile Association. Though they took place only a few kilometers apart, they could have been on two different planets, and that got [...]

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In search of the feedback loop: Google Audio

The Wall Street Journal offered extensive coverage today of Google’s decision back in February to exit the off-line radio advertising business. This isn’t the first time one of Google’s many growth initiatives has failed to achieve the hoped-for results, nor does this particular failure expose a fatal flaw in Google’s extraordinarily scalable business model. It [...]

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Can you hear me now? The operator-centric mobile model is over

Last week, T-Mobile Germany made some waves by banning Skype for the iPhone. Some might read this as a long overdue reassertion of operator power, but I disagree. A few months ago, I learned from a reliable source that a major operator was deliberately not shipping a very popular mobile phone model that they knew [...]

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Putting Twitter in context (in over 140 characters)

I woke up this morning to a post on TechCrunch about an impending Google acquisition of Twitter. Jeff Pulver, a Twitter investor, offered his perspective on his blog, and Ouriel Ohayon wrote it up as well. It’s become very clear that Twitter is a runaway success. There are lots of reasons for this, but I [...]

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Ad:Tech and the allegory of CommissionVideos

Back in November, I attended Ad:Tech New York, one of the key online advertising conferences. Back then, I wasn’t blogging, and now it’s too late for a detailed review of the conference to be meaningful. But I do want to share one insight because I often think about it when I’m meeting companies. I call [...]

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