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PAH! A Million of Anything is Quite Something

Last night, I learned that PAH!, a new iPhone application built by Israel Roth, Eyal Shahar, and Yosi Taguri, had cracked the top five apps on the AppStore. The game allows users to control a stylized spacecraft by yelling loudly into their iPhone. It’s a brilliant bit of execution – and a brilliant joke in [...]

The five elements of fast fundraising

At this morning’s Seed Camp Tel Aviv, I was approached by a founder and found myself in a discussion of fundraising strategies. As we’ve all observed, there are some founders that seem to be able to raise money effortlessly and others that languish for months or even years before an investor finally decides to cut [...]

BI is a big deal

I woke up this morning in San Francisco to news that SiSense’s financing round is now public – and so now I can offer a hearty public congratulations to the amazing team at SiSense (Elad Israeli, Eldad Farkash, and their outstanding dev team) as well as to Gary Gannot of Genesis and Dan Avida of [...]

Cars, innovation, and the garage

In past years, I used to use the automotive industry as a case study to illustrate the dynamics of industries where VC financing didn’t make much sense. Why aren’t there lots of VC-backed companies, I would say, pioneering innovations in brakes, internal combustion engines, power steering, and tires? The auto industry is rife with innovation [...]

First post…

This is the first step in an experiment that has been too long in coming. The past few days have been spent with figuring out a domain name and getting all the pipes and wires to connect properly. They still don’t, of course, but I must start somewhere…