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{ Monthly Archives } February 2009

On Hulu vs. Boxee

Today, Hulu reminded us who’s the boss. The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that Hulu had pulled its content from and Boxee, which is a venture-backed Israeli company. Hulu CEO Jason Kilar explained the decision on the corporate blog arguing that content providers requested the move. He wrote, honestly I’m sure, that “the [...]

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McKinsey’s carbon abatement map

The following graph is an old one and an often quoted one, but since it’s come up again yesterday at the Eilat Renewable Energy Conference, I think its worth posting. The vertical axis shows the potential total cost of a given technology. Technologies below the line are ones that save money. Technologies above the line [...]

Takeaways from the Eilat Renewable Energy Conference

This week, I attended the Eilat Renewable Energy Conference. I’ve been working on renewable energy (primarily photovoltaic) for about two years now, and this conference has been a good chance to reflect on the industry. In my mind, it goes without saying that VCs (and Israeli VCs in particular) should not ignore renewable energy as [...]

A roundtable on mobile applications – and some thoughts on the AppStore

On Monday, Levi Shapiro gave a great talk on mobile applications and advertising at a roundtable hosted by my firm, Genesis Partners. A few takeaways from the session at Genesis: Mobile 1.0 is over. Among US wireless subscribers, penetration of mobile games (6%), audio (12%), and premium SMS (5%) has been flat or down for [...]

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Danger: Commoditization Ahead

Back in September, Google announced that it was adding facial recognition to Picasa. That must have come as something of a blow to the facial recognition start-ups that are hoping to dominate that niche with superior technology. Last week, Google released Latitude, which is an upgrade for Google Maps for Mobile that includes social networking [...]

A takeaway from Mini Seedcamp Tel Aviv: Submarine Captains and Fisherman

I had the privilege of attending Mini Seedcamp Tel Aviv last week. It was a great event with 20 impressive start ups and lots of good advice and good will from the Israeli entrepreneurial community. It’s exciting to see so much young talent in Israel and so many people willing to help by donating their [...]